Third Anniversary

So yesterday my husband and I celebrated three years of marriage and ten years of being together as a couple — honestly where has the time gone? It seems like only yesterday that we were those eighteen-year-old children who lived hours apart and saw each other a couple of times a month after lengthy car […]

Advice From The Dalai Lama

I saw this in a new blog that I am following: My Life…Live. These pieces of advice are from the Dalai Lama and are brilliant. There are definitely things on this list that I need to apply to my daily life: 1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. […]

The Mombie

Today will be a short blog post mainly to let people know that I am still alive. So it has been nearly three weeks since my last post and the reason for this has been simply pure exhaustion. I typically blog in the morning hours before my husband and daughter wake, but this has proven […]

Breastfeeding…A Little Less Judgement, A Little More Love

Breastfeeding. I guarantee some women simply have ignored or passed by this blog post simply because of the title because they’re probably expecting me to be bragging about how much “better” I am for breastfeeding my child. I chose to breastfeed. Does this make me a better mother? No. Does this make me think that […]