A Juggling Act

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2pG72t_PXU *Disclaimer: These are my thoughts only — the good, the bad and the ugly…this is not intended to become a “stay-at-home mother” vs. “mother who works outside the home” debate. In my opinion, being a mother is incredibly difficult without petty arguing over “who has it tougher.” This post is just intended for me to air […]

A Good Start For Students…A Bad Start For Daughter

So this week was a good start to the school year…with the exception of having to tell parents that I will only be teaching their son/daughter for the first three months of school (if this child decides to actually stay in there until December 5th…my oldest daughter arrived four weeks premature) which is never a fun […]

Preparing For The “Critters”

T-minus eight days until school starts…the countdown is on. Classroom is nearly set up: I have my bulletin boards and furniture organized, first day newsletter done, website edited and Smart Board “First Day” file complete — success! However, I still have all of my Bell Work/Homework Duotang/Spelling photocopying to do and OSR (Ontario Student Record) […]

Humanizing Teachers

I recently started following a blog called Afternoon of Sundries and was thrilled to discover a fellow teacher. This woman has been through a tremendously difficult journey and is not afraid to voice her opinions to those who devalue and demean her as a teacher. I think a lot of teachers could learn something from […]

The Last Day

So the last day of school is always bittersweet for me. Do not get me wrong, I love summer and having time with my family. I know that I am fortunate to be in a profession where I have a considerable amount of paid time off — so there is no financial stress associated with […]

My Five Greatest Accomplishments

This blog post continues my Thirty Things series and details my five greatest accomplishments. This post closely resembles the one where I detailed the most important things in my life…but to be honest that sort of makes sense because the most important things in life usually reflect one’s accomplishments (in my humble opinion).   1. Becoming […]