Falling In Love Again

I am always struck by how handsome he is — his crooked grin, his eyes that seem to change colour depending on the light, his beard trimmed to that perfect length that makes him look professional at work with still that hint of ruggedness, the few gray hairs that are appearing in his hair, the […]

Naps and the Sh*t or Fart Game

Today Mother Nature has decided to dump another round of snow and ice on our little town — yay Canadian winter. So today is a hunker down inside, play with Thomas trains, walk around leaking breastmilk from your tatas, watch Duck Dynasty, make play doh castles, nap and play the sh*t or fart game kind […]

Swimming Lessons and Bribery

So today was Chaos’ swimming lessons at the local pool. The morning was filled with toddler meltdowns of epic proportions — so I was apprehensive about actually taking her to the pool — but despite my idle threats of “never taking her to a single swim lesson again” the “good Mom” part of me won […]

Hello Old Friend

It is really a sneaky thing…the baby blues. He lurks in that corner in the dark of your room at 3:00 a.m. when you are so sleep deprived you feel you could pass out on your feet. He stands in the corner of your kitchen as you make dinner for your family and suddenly feel […]

Negotiating with a Terrorist…Ahem, I Mean a Toddler…

I have come to the conclusion that negotiating with a toddler is a lot like negotiating with a terrorist…they’re unpredictable, they usually win, they have unrealistic expectations, they are demanding, they expect instant results on impossibly short deadlines…yes, my toddler is a terrorist and her reign of terror includes two metres around her at all […]

Breastfeeding Round #2

Breastfeeding is easy the second time around. I am a seasoned pro having nursed my oldest daughter until she was fourteen months old. I have nipples as tough as a rhino’s — rhino’s have tough nipples right? Easy! NOT! The naivety with which I went into nursing my second daughter was kind of ridiculous. It […]